#1 GSoC21 Applying and Acceptance @RedHenLab
#1 Applying on GSoC21 and Feeling of Acceptance | Google Summer of Code 21' Blog
Telling my story in GSoC21 with RedHenLab
I will publish right here how I have applied and organization selection as well as my proposal will be attached later after finishing it I hope to do well and pass it successfully. So It just a stub post till GSoC21 being finished
First thing when I got accepted, It was a great feeling I cannot even tell anyone how much happiness I felt when I was waiting the announcement of accepted students and finally it released, I went search who is accepted Is my name there? huh! I have been accepted. What a feelings!
I had to study because of I had an exam in the next day, The studying has been attached with a smile :)
And then after finishing my exam I have celebrated on LinkedIn, posting the following post :)
Hello everyone, I am really excited to share with you all that I have been selected for Google Summer > of Code 2021. I will be working with Red Hen Lab this summer on the project "Red Hen Rapid Annotator". I am so grateful to have such wonderful people along with me who is a source of motivation. With the very impressive MENTORS: Vaibhav Gupta, Anna Wilson, Peter Uhrig, Gulshan Kumar and Vera Tobin. Looking forward to a great summer with them :) ! @GoogleSummerOfCode2021
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